All our products are made to order specifically for you. We produce our products depending on the order you make. All our products are proudly made in highest premium quality and shipped to your door-step.
Orders take around 15 working days for production and delivery. Depending on your location, you will get further details about shipping, shipping cost and delivery details upon checkout.
Please rest assured that we work hard to start working and producing your order once we receive it, and will get it shipped to you directly via our courier services.
Orders are shipped from our different operational facilities around the world. This means that cross-boarder customs might apply to your order. We won’t know or predict your local customs or changes to fees or charges your local country/city would charge you. Your delivery charges will be paid full by us, but any fees related to customs or taxes or VAT should be handled by you as you get your order delivered to you.
If you have any questions about our shipping details, policies or for you to get an order status, please reach out to us via phone: + or via email: